Monday, October 19, 2009

Mysterious Orang Pendek apeman spotted by British expedition

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Does ape man exist?

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Bringing Fish-Tailed Women Home Strictly Forbidden on Pain of Death

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Reported Bigfoot sightings in Northern Arizona

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What hit Earth in 1908 with the force of 3,000 atomic bombs?

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Advanced extraterrestrial UFOs cross the event horizon and reach the singularity, or center of the black hole, all within a finite amount of time

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10 key moments in the search for extraterrestrial life

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Europa or Mars: Where Could Extraterrestrial Life Be Found First?

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Planets’ discovery gives new life to alien musings

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Chongqing City UFO

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Multiple witnesses spot UFO in northern Germany

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Aliens invade Sochi? UFO hunter claims he has proof

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Hundreds in Netherlands and Germany see ‘exploding fireball’ in sky

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Oh, buoy: 'UFO' off Satellite Beach just a floating relic

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Super Hurricane Rick, That Russian UFO Cloud

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UFO seen hovering over city

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‘Nazca Lines’ discovered in Kazakhstan

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Woman witnesses crop circle appearing opposite Stonehenge.

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UFO photo makes big news in Indonesia

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Foto UFO di Jakarta Palsu

UFO panel descends on Socorro

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Thursday, October 8, 2009