Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thirteen foot alien on freeway presents dilemma for elites

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"Before me there was a strange creature that walked along the road. He was tall, very tall, maybe 4 metres (11 feet).”
The main witness described the appearance of the alien.
“The alien’s head had a rounded shape and with a cone.”
The main witness tried to take photos.
“I tried to call and take pictures, but the phone was useless.”
Witnesses reported what the alien did next.
This "creature" walked down the street oblivious to thecars.

Thirteen foot alien on freeway presents dilemma for elites - Ottawa ufo |

UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs

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UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs [EXCLUSIVE]

video of Air Force pilot Milton Torres describing his harrowing UFO encounter:

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UFO Sighting In Blue Springs, Missouri

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The UFO sighting that convinced a Government minister

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The UFO sighting that convinced a Government minister - Telegraph

Science of the Impossible: Alien Mailbox

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Science of the Impossible: Alien Abductions

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UFOs Over Earth: Mass Sightings in Mexico

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US Navy's 'UFO-Like' Stealth Drone Takes Flight

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The U.S. Navy reached a new milestone for a futuristic new stealth drone when it successfully retracted its landing gear and flew in cruise configuration for the first time, engineers announced Tuesday.
Developed by Northrop Grumman, the X-47B is a tailless, strike fighter-sized unmanned aircraft designed to take off from and land on moving aircraft carriers at sea. New images released today depict a futuristic, almost UFO-like vehicle.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bicycle Commuter Trends in the US- Graphic Representation

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 A University of Oregon student has released a great graphic depiction of America’s bicycle mode share, government spending on bike/ped infrastructure, and bicycle-related fatalities. Kory Northrop created the map, graphs, and text for an advanced cartography class and it gives a nice visual representation of various bike numbers. Besides being relevant to Eugene because it was created by a UO student, it also helps to show that the more we invest in bicycle infrastructure, the more likely it is that we will actually get our ridership up as well as our fatalities down– an important thing to consider as we move forward with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Here are the graphs and map followed by the text and sources.
By Shane MacRhodes

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bigfoot Movies

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A great list of Bigfoot or Sasquatch TV shows and Movies!
Bigfoot Movies

Bigfoot & Bear: Bigfoot Poses with a Bear!

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 Pretty cool website at

Bigfoot & Bear: Bigfoot Poses with a Bear!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Connecticut trooper, motorist: U.F.O. fell from sky

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Connecticut trooper, motorist: U.F.O. fell from sky -

Did a UFO cause the Pakistan 737 air crash? Reports suggest pilot may have been 'buzzed' by a triangular-shaped object before the accident | Mail Online

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Did a UFO cause the Pakistan 737 air crash? Reports suggest pilot may have been 'buzzed' by a triangular-shaped object before the accident | Mail Online

UFO Encounters With Airplanes: Pilots, Officials Discuss Potential Safety Hazards

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There's been a buzz in the air this week -- literally -- about a video allegedly showing a UFO flying near a passenger plane over Seoul, South Korea.
The video, which has been viewed several million times, has brought out a myriad of theories to explain the strange-looking oval white object viewed on Saturday. When a passenger on the airline tried to zoom in on the object with a video camera as it moved upward from the ground, pacing near the plane, it suddenly flew away.

UFO Encounters With Airplanes: Pilots, Officials Discuss Potential Safety Hazards

UFO spaceship orbiting the sun, or a camera glitch?

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UFO hunters have spotted a curious object near the sun in a new NASA image. It is, in the words of a blogger for the website Gather, "what looks like a metallic, jointed spaceship with a gigantic extension, perhaps a boom arm, anchored off its lower end."
UFO spaceship orbiting the sun, or a camera glitch? | Fox News

Killing Bigfoot OK in Texas – if he's Texan

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 Photographs purportedly show a large, apelike creature in Central Oklahoma -- evidence they may also live in Texas, some say.

Texas has no position on the existence of Bigfoot -- but go on, hunt it anyway.
John Lloyd Scharf, a Bigfoot fan from Oregon, emailed the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department last week about hunting unknown creatures.
Chief of staff Lt. David. Sinclair told he responded with a straight description of the law -- which hinges not on whether the mythical beast exists, but on precisely how the government would label it.
“The statute that you cite (Section 61.021) refers only to game birds, game animals, fish, marine animals or other aquatic life. Generally speaking, other nongame wildlife is listed in Chapter 67 (nongame and threatened species) and Chapter 68 (nongame endangered species),” Sinclair wrote back to Scharf.
“An exotic animal is an animal that is non-indigenous to Texas. Unless the exotic is an endangered species, then exotics may be hunted on private property with landowner consent.”  By

Sasquatch returns to Harrison Hot Springs

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Agassiz-Harrison Observer - Sasquatch returns to Harrison Hot Springs

If You're a Sasquatch in Texas, Run for Your Life! - National - The Atlantic Wire

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If the Commission does not specifically list an indigenous, nongame species, then the species is considered non-protected nongame wildlife, e.g., coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, cotton-tailed rabbit, etc. A non-protected nongame animal may be hunted on private property with landowner consent by any means, at any time and there is no bag limit or possession limit.
An exotic animal is an animal that is non-indigenous to Texas. Unless the exotic is an endangered species then exotics may be hunted on private property with landowner consent. A hunting license is required. This does not include the dangerous wild animals that have been held in captivity and released for the purpose of hunting, which is commonly referred to as a "canned hunt".  Alexander Abad-Santos
If You're a Sasquatch in Texas, Run for Your Life! - National - The Atlantic Wire

Silver Star Mountain Sasquatch

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A backpacker from Vancouver, Washington, took these photos on Silver Star Mountain in Gifford Pinchot National Forest on November 17.

He says he doesn't know what the figure was, but he does not believe it was another hiker or backpacker.

The photos are inconclusive, but they are potentially relevant.

The figure you see could be a sasquatch. The silhouette is comparable to the lanky silhouette in the Marble Mountains footage. It also looks similar to some eyewitness sketches.

Silver Star Mountain

Adult Female Sasquatch

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[Animated frames of the Patterson-Gimlin footage near the famous frame 352 (where it looks back at camera). This 1967 footage shows a retreating, adult female sasquatch, in remote coastal mountains of northern California.]

Bigfoot Found! Bigfoot photos and sightings at Mt. St. Helens near Ape Caves

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Bigfoot Found! Bigfoot photos and sightings at Mt. St. Helens near Ape Caves

Monster Sunspot Threatens to Unleash Powerful Solar Flares

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Monster Sunspot Threatens to Unleash Powerful Solar Flares - Yahoo! News