Monday, August 27, 2012

Man trying to create bigfoot sighting killed in Montana

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A man dressed in a military-style "ghillie" suit and apparently trying to provoke reports of a Bigfoot sighting in northwest Montana was struck by two cars and killed, authorities said.
The man was standing in the right-hand lane of U.S. Highway 93 south of Kalispell on Sunday night when he was hit by the first car, according to the Montana Highway Patrol. A second car hit the man as he lay in the roadway, authorities said.
Flathead County officials identified the man as Randy Lee Tenley, 44, of Kalispell. Trooper Jim Schneider said motives were ascertained during interviews with friends, and alcohol may have been a factor but investigators were awaiting tests.
"He was trying to make people think he was Sasquatch so people would call in a Sasquatch sighting," Schneider told the Daily Inter Lake on Monday. "You can't make it up. I haven't seen or heard of anything like this before. Obviously, his suit made it difficult for people to see him."

Man trying to create bigfoot sighting killed in Montana | Fox News

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Curiosity photos show Mars teeming with UFOs

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Kind of stupid but here you go!
According to the fringe sector of the Internet, Mars is practically teeming with aliens.
Since NASA's Curiosity rover touched down on the Red Planet two weeks ago and powered up its cameras, it has already managed to photograph several alleged UFOs and other "anomalies" in the surrounding landscape.

From classic flying saucers to an absurdly out-of-place fossilized human finger, here's a rundown of what UFO believers claim to have found in Curiosity photos so far. [ Gallery of Mars 'UFO' Photos ]

Curiosity finds Mars 'teeming with UFOs' - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Friday, August 24, 2012

Video shows `Bigfoot` stalking Ohio woods - World - DNA

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The person filming it appears to be riding a motorbike or scooter down the forest path, taking in the scenery and then all of a sudden ‘Bigfoot’ crosses the path from left to right, holding what appears to be a stick in his right hand, the Daily Mail reported.
The intriguing sighting seems to startle the mystery driver as the unnamed person immediately veers off into the bushes before turning the bike around and driving off in the opposite direction.
The film, which has been viewed almost 100,000 times, is drowned out by the sound of the motorbike so it is unclear whether the monstrous ape-like creature makes any noises.
The video comes with little information apart from the month it was taken and the general location of the alleged sighting.
Titled ‘Bigfoot in Ohio clear video of the creature 2012’, a bulk of commentators clearly believe it is the real deal.
Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to the mysterious ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America.

The person filming it appears to be riding a motorbike or scooter down the forest path, taking in the scenery and then all of a sudden ‘Bigfoot’ crosses the path from left to right, holding what appears to be a stick in his right hand, the Daily Mail reported.

The intriguing sighting seems to startle the mystery driver as the unnamed person immediately veers off into the bushes before turning the bike around and driving off in the opposite direction.

The film, which has been viewed almost 100,000 times, is drowned out by the sound of the motorbike so it is unclear whether the monstrous ape-like creature makes any noises.

The video comes with little information apart from the month it was taken and the general location of the alleged sighting.

Titled ‘Bigfoot in Ohio clear video of the creature 2012’, a bulk of commentators clearly believe it is the real deal.

Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to the mysterious ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America.
Video shows `Bigfoot` stalking Ohio woods - World - DNA

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sea Serpent Spotted In Norway Lake, Witnesses Say

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They're calling it a sea serpent, but whatever it is that raised its head and humps in a Norwegian lake, the eyewitnesses are holding fast to their story.
Three men on a trip to Lake Hornindalsvatnet saw something strange break the surface of the lake on Aug. 1.
"We saw what we saw, no doubt about it," Andreas Solvik told
Two of the men snapped a picture on their cell phones of something that appears to have a head and two arch-like sections of a possible long neck.

The thing they saw on the lake is similar to early sea serpent reports, like the one in the illustration, below right, from a 1639 encounter off Cape Ann, Mass.

Sea Serpent Spotted In Norway Lake, Witnesses Say

Antarctic UFO

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If it was simply a weather balloon that appeared over an Antarctic research station, then why hasn't anyone confirmed it?
A video has come out of the cold, showing an image of a possible UFO above the Neumayer-Station III research facility in Antarctica on August 10, according to
The circular object appears to hover over the station which conducts scientific research into geophysics, meteorology and atmospheric chemistry.
And, as one might expect, they use weather balloons to study the atmosphere over the South Pole.
One aspect of this image that UFO commenters are pointing to is how the object is seen in just a few frames of the footage.
But Ben Radford, writing in Live Science, suggests that's not unusual when video is sped up. "That's what happens in time-lapse photography: objects that are not stationary for long periods of time only appear in a few frames. ... There's nothing mysterious about it."
Despite the plausibility of that argument, some -- like "UFO expert" Russell Tetrault, disagree and have their own theories about the Neumayer UFO, pictured closeup, below.
"I have examined the evidence and have concluded that this is a craft and that it is most likely of extraterrestrial origins," Tetrault is quoted by

Antarctic UFO Attracts Conspiracy Theories And Balloon Talk (VIDEO)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Switzerland officials puzzled over appearance of crop circles

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Authorities in eastern Switzerland are puzzled about a set of crop circles that appeared in a field on the eastern side of the country.
According to The Local, three circles forming a Venn diagram appeared in a wheat field near Schaffhausen at some point during the night late last week. “We do not know how the crop circle was made, nor who made it,” a spokesman for the Schaffhausen cantonal police told online news site (in German) 20 Minuten. Crop circles are often considered to be an elusive phenomenon and some note the appearance of shapes and designs date back to the 1500s. Their appearances usually come at night and the crop circles are discovered in daylight hours.

Switzerland officials puzzled over appearance of crop circles

Mystery Crop Circle appears by the Wrekin in Shropshire England

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The circle appeared on the weekend of 21st, 22nd July 2012, with confirmed reports from local farmers that it appeared between the times of 2300 hours on 21st July and 0600 hours on the 22nd July.
The circle represents a mirror type image of the pattern and location of the Moon, Saturn, Mars and the star Spica aka Spitor which can be seen in the South Western sky.
It is approx 400m in diameter and consists of one main circle with the three inner circles or patterns which show Saturn, Mars and the star. On the outside of the main circles are three faint inter locking circles which represent the transit of the moon through the current night sky.
The appearance of this new crop circle also fits in with a UFO sighting at approx 2330 hours on 21st July 2012 in the exact same area.
Darren Perks has now produced some images of the crop circle after his investigations and you can see them in his gallery on his website and on his Facebook page.
Mystery Crop Circle appears by the Wrekin |

Mystery squares appear in crop field near Highworth .

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THE debate about the existence of extra-terrestrial life in the universe has been brought closer to home after this crop circle appeared in a field near Highworth .
The square-filled circle, which features a square is in what is thought to be a wheat field near Hannington, and has led some to speculate about who created it or what it might mean.
Circle hunter Matthew Williams, 42, flew over the field in a microlight to enable this photo to be taken after he was alerted to the formation by the Crop Circle Connector website.
He said: “It’s superb. It was very well done because it looks very crisp. It’s got good detail in it, so it looks like whatever entity or human made it certainly knew what they were doing.

Mystery squares appear in crop field (From This Is Wiltshire)

Crop circle draws visitors in Wilbur Washinton

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Teams of paranormal investigators flock to Wilbur wheat field in search of answers
Capital Press
WILBUR, Wash. -- More than 100 people have visited Greg and Cindy Geib's farm since a mysterious, clover-shaped crop circle was found on an acre of a club wheat field a mile from their home.
The Geibs are fifth-generation farmers who raise soft white winter wheat and club wheat on roughly 2,500 acres. They first got wind of the crop circle when a neighbor called Greg on July 24. For about a week, there was no further mention. Then news of the circle hit the local media and went viral on the Internet.
At one point, Cindy said, all three of the phone lines in the house were ringing at the same time. She's had phone messages, emails and participated in interviews with radio personalities from around the country. More than 360 articles and blogs have been posted on the Internet about it.
"Things are hectic enough with harvest going on, all the attention this is bringing is a handful right now," Greg said.
He said the biggest issue for him will be the potential loss of yield due to the downed grain, but he doesn't foresee any other impact.
The Geibs don't know the cause of the crop circle.
"It's anybody's guess at this point," Greg said. "If it is man-made, do they do this with helicopters? How do they get in and out of here without making any tracks? It's a tough one to figure out."
Crop circle draws visitors |

Washington Crop Circle is Mickey Mouse

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When a four-part crop circle pattern roughly resembling a Mickey Mouse head appeared last week in a wheat field outside of Seattle, Wash., farmers Greg and Cindy Geib were surprised — but not shocked.
After all, it was not the first crop circle in the area; several others had appeared in previous years, mostly chalked up to mischievous youth. The pattern was noticed by a neighbor driving on a nearby highway who soon called the Geibs on July 24 and told them they'd been punk'd. The mysterious circle had apparently been made overnight, with no obvious signs of hoaxing.

Washington Crop Circle Surprising, But Typical | LiveScience

UFO crash investigator: Leonard Stringfield's research goes public - National ufo |

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Sixty volumes of “meticulous UFO research over 30 years” by the late Ufologist Leonard H. Stringfield were donated to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), according to an August 3, 2012, announcement by MUFON Executive Director David MacDonald who spoke at the organization’s annual symposium.
The news of Stringfield’s work surfacing and in MUFON’s hands now had been kept secret prior to the 8 p.m. announcement as one of two “blockbuster UFO discoveries” that the group was to make at the Cincinnati event. A second briefing will be made about 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 5.
Stringfield (1920-1994) was an American ufologist who worked with government and private agencies to track UFO reports and had a special interest in reports of crashed objects.

UFO crash investigator: Leonard Stringfield's research goes public - National ufo |

After Syfy show investigation of Hairy Man, local resident continues looking for Bigfoot

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In true cable TV fashion, that episode, which aired for the first time last month and is available online, made viewers believe that the investigators were tantalizingly close to proving the existence of the Hairy Man, a Bigfoot-like legend that has haunted the west central Minnesota woods for the past several decades.
In the end, though, the investigators admitted that the evidence they found was mostly inconclusive, and they couldn’t say whether the Hairy Man truly exists.

After Syfy show investigation of Hairy Man, local resident continues looking for Bigfoot | DL-Online | Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

UFO Buzzes Helicopter In Ireland (VIDEO)

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UFO Buzzes Helicopter In Ireland (VIDEO)This UFO rule of thumb is always important to remember: Most unidentified flying objects can be easily explained.

Will two recently posted UFO videos on YouTube fall within that rule, or will they end up in the category of the small percent of UFOs that resist identification?

Here's a sight not often seen in the skies above any town, anywhere. According to, a UFO was captured on video dancing chaotically around a police helicopter in the cloudy sky above a village in Ireland.

Even though the two aerial objects are too far away to offer any close-up details of the encounter, the chopper's rotor blades are easily heard in the video as it hovers in the air -- as is the understandable crass language of the videographer.

Skinwalker Ranch or Sherman Ranch - Vernal, Utah – Home of the Strange

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Vernal, Utah – Home of the Strange « Real Estate Blog

Does Sasquatch (Yes, Bigfoot) Roam the Forests of New England?

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DeathRattleSports | Does Sasquatch (Yes, Bigfoot) Roam the Forests of New England?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weird UFO hovers outside the ISS

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A weirdly shaped UFO was caught on tape hovering just outside the International Space Station during a live broadcast and posted to a seven minute video on YouTube.
The video, taken from NASA's live feed to the web, shows what looks like a stationary object floating outside the ISS window. It's not until the video airs in its entirety that it becomes apparent the UFO is actually transiting from the right to the left side of the screen.
Weird UFO hovers outside the ISS - Allentown Paranormal |

More reports come in of unexplained lights in night sky

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Several more Tri-Citians have come forward saying they saw unexplained lights in the sky as recently as Wednesday night, and self-described UFO tracking agencies are showing interest in the case.
The reports were similar to that of a Finley man who said he saw three lights gliding slowly from Burbank west over the Columbia River, then heading north toward Kennewick.
An air traffic controller has said the object likely was a military aircraft, and a Port of Pasco employee who saw the lights said he's certain they were military helicopters.

Read more here:
More reports come in of unexplained lights in night sky | Tri-City Herald - The News Tribune

N.S. town marks 45 years since possible UFO sighting - Nova Scotia - CBC News

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The community of Shag Harbour is marking 45 years since a mysterious object fell from the sky and captured the attention of residents and UFO enthusiasts.
This weekend is the annual Shag Harbour UFO Festival.
Witnesses thought it was a plane crashing into the ocean on Oct. 4, 1967.
But after an extensive search, there wasn't a trace of debris to be found, but the flashing light that sank beneath the waters put Shag Harbour on the map.
“It became one of the big UFO incidents, like you know, Roswell,” said Don Ledger, who wrote a book on the incident.
For years, people have taken a pilgrimage to the community to discuss that fateful night.
N.S. town marks 45 years since possible UFO sighting - Nova Scotia - CBC News

New photo of Loch Ness Monster create buzz, controversy

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A new photograph supposedly of the Loch Ness Monster is making the rounds online, creating quite a discussion as it does. Reportedly taken in 2011 but not publicized until now, the photo claims to show the fabled Loch Ness Monster in unrivaled clarity that was only imaginable in previous decades characterized by grainy black and white images and movies.New photo of Loch Ness Monster create buzz, controversy - Cleveland Photography |

Cape Girardeau UFO Sightings

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This time, the hot spot is in the area of Cape Girardeau, where dozens of eyewitnesses saw a saucer-shaped object hovering in the night skies last weekend.
They described it as rounded and with red and white blinking lights. Local news channel KFVS-TV sent reporters out to the area and residents were sure to make the point they know what an airplane looks like. According to them, this was no airplane.

Australian Secret UFO files released

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It is probably the closest Australia has come to scrambling fighter jets to intercept a UFO.
Documents that have just become available under the 30-year rule at the National Archives of Australia reveal how two RAAF Mirage jets were placed on the second highest level of alert to determine the cause of unidentified radar contacts seen on screens at Mascot.
The ''X Files'' viewed in Canberra also give details of other unexplained sightings, some of which are supported by witness statements to police.
In the Sydney alert, the papers stamped ''restricted'' tell how operation ''Close Encounter'' was launched by No.3 Control and Reporting Unit at RAAF Base Williamtown near Newcastle on June 30, 1983, after the phenomenon was first noticed earlier in the month.
Senior air controllers at Mascot said the contacts were mostly located between 70 and 150 nautical miles north of Sydney at ''alleged speeds of 1100-6500 km/h that suggested high altitude''.
The papers state that no scramble was to occur in the round-the-clock operation unless confirmation of any reported tracks was made on the radar screens at RAAF Williamtown or any radar other than Sydney.
At the same time, three senior air defence controllers were dispatched to Sydney to investigate and plot every contact and ''control interceptors against these contacts if a reasonable chance of interception presented itself''. But then one of the defence controllers, a squadron leader, asked whether a comparison had been made of the contacts on the screens of Mascot's Area Approach Radar Centre and those in a ''workshop across the corridor''. Soon after, tests showed that the ''unidentified objects reported by Sydney were generated entirely by radar interference known colloquially as 'running rabbits' ''.

Secret UFO files released

Saturday, August 4, 2012

UFO chase

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A few weeks ago, Jeffrey Gonzalez received a phone call from someone claiming that Reedley Police Officers and Fresno County Sheriff’s Deputies were involved in a pursuit down Lac Jac Avenue – chasing a UFO (unidentified flying object). Gonzalez is the founder of the Sanger Paranormal Society (SPS) and received the call on the SPS 24-hour hotline. The call was aired during Gonzalez’s weekly Sunday radio broadcast on SPS Radio, 940 AM.

“The caller said police chased it toward Jack in the Box by Reedley College,” Gonzalez said.

Most people don’t think of the Central Valley as a hotspot for paranormal activity and other conspiracy theories. However, Gonzalez said the Valley lies in the bottom section of an area known as the “Nevada Triangle” similar to the Bermuda Triangle. He said the Nevada Triangle, bordered by China Lake, Area 51, and the Lemoore Naval Air Base, is a popular area for paranormal sightings. 

Full Story

By Jodie Reyna

Bigfoot experts clash with TV critics: 'You're ignorant' | Inside TV |

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Bigfoot experts clash with TV critics: 'You're ignorant' | Inside TV |

Thursday, August 2, 2012

UFO Last Sunday Over Woodbury

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By Daniela Forte AP file image. View and purchase photos WOODBURY--A hovering, glowing red craft, paired with a hovering white orb, was reported in Woodbury over the weekend, according to Woodbury-Middlebury Patch, which first reported the story from On that site, an unidentifed person reported seeing an unidentified flying object in the Woodbury skies on Sunday night.

How would you call a Sasquatch?

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The 84th annual Lake County Fair debuted its first Sasquatch calling contest on Friday night. Participants ranged in age from 5 to 52 as they gave their best shot at what they imagined sounded like a call for the mighty Big Foot.

How would you call a Sasquatch? -

UFO Over New Orleans Moved 'As Fast As Lightning'

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A man was strolling through the French Quarter of New Orleans when something in the sky caught his attention long enough for him to take a picture of it. It was a UFO. "When I turned the corner, everything changed," the unnamed eyewitness told ABC TV affiliate WGNO. The 40-year-old amateur photographer initially preferred to remain anonymous, but offered details of the triangular-pattern lights in the sky at 6:30 a.m. on July 19. "It was probably four or five blocks down the road over Esplanade and it looked like it was the size of a couple of big houses," he said. "It shined its lights in my eyes, so I had no choice but to see it. I've never seen those colored lights in the air before."