Monday, November 4, 2013

Berwick-based group searches for sasquatch - News - Standard Speaker

Members of a Berwick-based group aren't messin' with sasquatch when they venture into the woods at night, but members do hope to run into the elusive, towering hairy creature.
The Pennsylvania Sasquatch Association, which formed in January, hopes to find proof that the sasquatch, better known as Bigfoot, exist.
"We believe they exist," said Bob Bucko, an association member and investigator. "There are more than 400 years of reports and 70 years of photo evidence of finding tracks and castings of tracks."
Pennsylvania ranks 10th in the 50 states for sasquatch sightings - possibly because of its large tracts of unpopulated lands and dense woodlands, he said.

Berwick-based group searches for sasquatch - News - Standard Speaker

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