Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bigfoot 'hunter' Rick Dyer is now touring with its corpse

legendary beast and is now touring with its corpse (but it's the SAME guy who hoaxed everyone in 2008!)

  • Rick Dyer claims to have killed the Bigfoot in Texas in September  2012
  • Says he shot the creature dead after luring it with pork ribs nailed to a tree
  • Dyer released a photo and claims to have performed DNA tests on the body that show it is an 'unknown' species
  • He is touring with the corpse and charging $20 admission across Texas, Florida and Georgia
  • Dyer was previously involved in a high-profile Bigfoot hoax back in 2008
  • Hoax was revealed when frozen Bigfoot turned out to be a rubber ape suit

Bigfoot 'hunter' Rick Dyer is now touring with its corpse | Mail Online

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