Thursday, January 3, 2019

UFO group in partnership with Chilean government

UFOCUS NZ director Suzanne Hansen told RNZ there was an emerging pattern of reported sightings of UFOs throughout the country, involving 'corridors' and 'hotspots' and that many sightings seemed to be associated with seismic events.
She made her comments this week during the 40th anniversary of New Zealand's most famous UFO encounter, the so-called 'Kaikoura Lights' sightings on 31 December 1978, which were filmed by an Australian camera crew and enthralled millions of people across the world.
The UFO research network has a co-operation agreement with the Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, a joint military, science and aviation body set up by the Chilean government, which also follows a theory that UFO sightings are associated with seismic activity and is investigating the link.
The groups have carried out joint research projects and have been exchanging information since signing an official agreement in September 2013.
The retired school teacher said the group's team of eight investigators had been busy looking into eight reports of UFOs this year. The team includes former air force staff, an astronomer and science and medical professionals.
"Most reports we receive are from the North Island, which is probably because of a denser population," she said.
"We hear a lot from cray fishermen, truck drivers and farmers, and there are hotspots with a history of reported sightings.

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