Sunday, September 2, 2012

Professor puts academic cant on Bigfoot hunt - - Sept. 2, 2012

Several so-called sasquatch foot casts

Several so-called sasquatch foot casts lie on a counter in Jeff Meldrum’s office at ISU in Pocatello. Meldrum has more than 200 similar molds.
POCATELLO – Academia is a lonely place for sasquatch hunter Jeff Meldrum.
Meldrum, who teaches anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, might be the only college professor in the U.S. researching and publishing work on Bigfoot, or at least the only one putting his name to the subject.
Meldrum brought attention to the subject with his 2006 book, “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.” Nearly all of the 13,000 copies of the book have been sold.
The sasquatch limb is a thin branch to venture out on, and in the academic world, some would say it’s more akin to thin ice.
“People say, ‘You are paid by Idaho State and you are doing this?’ ” Meldrum said. “But this is legitimate research. This could be one of the most outstanding questions in natural history and human anthropology that we have today.
“I’ve gone to great lengths to go about it in a very objective, very professional manner in order to cultivate credibility.”

Professor puts academic cant on Bigfoot hunt - - Sept. 2, 2012

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