Sunday, September 30, 2012

Was bizarre UFO sighting visiting aliens, a terrifying vision of Hell - or merely a meteorite?

A BIZARRE UFO spotted in the skies over Boston has been described as a terrifying vision.
Neil-Michael Brown, 34, of Nottinghamshire, was visiting the town after staying with a friend in Old Leake when he saw ‘carriage-shaped vessels in the sky’.
Speaking to The Standard he said: “I don’t believe in aliens, and I wasn’t on drugs but what I saw was certainly out of this world. Even when I think about it now, it disturbs me.”
Describing what he said, he said: “I was walking along by the garage near Matalan at about 11.30pm on Friday night and something caught my eye in the sky, going from right to left.
“At first I thought it was one of those Japanese lanterns but then I saw something else materialise.
“The clouds came away from it and revealed what I can only describe as a train carriage with fire coming off it.”
Mr Brown said it was heading towards the direction of the 700-year-old Stump church – and moving so fast it almost looked like a fireball.

Was bizarre UFO sighting visiting aliens, a terrifying vision of Hell - or merely a meteorite? - Local - Boston Standard

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